Please Note: I do not accept paid posts, unsolicited guest posts, paid link insertions etc. Any and all requests received regarding such requests will be deleted without reply. Please do not send me follow up emails asking why I have not replied to your requests, as they will also be deleted.
I am open to sponsored post requests providing the content is in line with my blog content. Sponsored post request that do not align with my interests will also be deleted without reply.
If you are a normal person however, I love to talk anything food related, often to the exasperation of those around me. If you have general questions relating to meal planning, freezer meals, or tips for implementing unprocessed foods in your life then I would love to hear from you.
If you have comments on specific posts, please post them on the relevant post so your thoughts can be shared with others.
I can be contacted by email: tania(at)thecookspyjamas(dot)com or just fill out the contact form below.
I look forward to hearing from you.