It was always a good thing when my parents went out for the evening and left us with my Nan. Dinner at Nan’s place was always pancakes. Nothing else. Not a vegetable in sight. Just hot pancakes, cooked to order, dripping with fresh lemon juice and loads of sugar. Those pancakes were more akin to thin crepes than thick, fluffy pancakes, but this does nothing to dampen my love for them. Call it nostalgia if you like but these barley crepes, which are perfect for both sweet and savoury dishes, are making a regular appearance in our house at the moment.
If I had to choose a favourite flour, my answer would have to be barley. Barley flour is very underrated and definitely underused. Barley does contain gluten, so cannot be consumed by celiacs, but has a lower gluten level than wheat or spelt. It has a lovely nutty flavour that works well with fruits like apples and pears, and is beautiful with beef and mushrooms. You can substitute barley flour for up to half of the wheat flour in most baked goods, although due to its lower gluten content I find it makes pastry more difficult to work with.
These pancakes freeze well, so having a batch in the freezer, along with some béchamel sauce, guarantees an easy comfort meal. I just stir chopped herbs, sauteed mushrooms, bacon, spinach, kale or whatever else is in the fridge into the béchamel, dollop tablespoons of the sauce onto the pancakes and roll them up. Layer the rolled pancakes into a greased dish and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake until the filling is warmed through, serve with a simple salad and dinner is done.
I don’t bother adding any sweetener to the batter for dessert, as I just rely on the topping to balance out the flavour. My go-to filling at the moment is lime curd. I spread the curd over the pancakes, fold them and warm the pancakes slightly in a frypan. So simple yet looks quite impressive. Mr Grumpy and The Princess, however, channel my Nan. Lemon and sugar all the way.
Really Simple (and Useful) Barley Crepes
These crepes can also be pre-cooked and rewarmed if you prefer. I place the crepes in an oven proof dish and cover with foil, then rewarm in the oven on a low heat for 10 - 15 minutes.
- 1/2 cup barley flour 70g
- Pinch of salt
- 3/4 cup milk plus extra if required*
- 1 egg
- Butter or ghee for greasing
- Place the flour in a bowl with the salt and whisk to combine.
- Beat the egg into the milk.
- Slowly pour the milk mixture into the flour, whisking continuously to incorporate the flour.
- Whisk any lumps out of the batter then set the bowl aside for 30 minutes.
- Check the consistency of the batter. It should be similar to thick pouring cream. If the batter is too thick*, adjust the consistency with more milk.
- Place a frying pan over a medium heat.
- Lightly grease the pan.
- Pour a scant 1/4 cup of batter into the pan and quickly swirl the batter around the pan until the base is covered.
- Allow the crepe to cook for 1-2 minutes, until it has lightly browned.
- With the aid of a spatula, flip the crepe over and allow the other side to brown.
- Remove the crepe from the pan, then repeat the process with the remainder of the batter.
- These crepes can be served cold but are nicer slightly warmed.
P.S. Stuff your crepes with a Simple Bechamel Sauce for a quick dinner, or lime curd for a simple dessert.
Where do you get barley flour from? Is it easy to source?
Hi Melissa. Barley flour is actually quite easy to find. I pick it up at either my local health food store or organics store. The two main brands on the market in Australia are Kialla or Four Leaf. Both are good. I tend to grind my own but have used both of these brands when I have run out of grain.
Love these crepes. Thank you! These will go into regular rotation.
I’m so glad you like them Minti 🙂 Thank you for letting me know.
Hi Tania
Believe me, your post was a blessing. I was searching for crepes/pancakes, bread all made of barley flour as I needed to avoid white flour. This was the simplest recipe and looks totally do able. Am off to make some crepes. Thanks a lot. 🙂
Would appreciate if you know any recipes for a person suffering from celiac disease.
Hi Zar. Happy to help 😀 I hope you like them.
As to recipes for a celiac, most (not all) of my main meal dishes are gluten free, so you could check out the recipe index. Any celiac association should also be able to point you in the right direction, depending on the types of recipes you are after.