Mother’s Day was a bit of a non-event for me this year. The Princess informed me she had far too much study, and couldn’t possibly give me an hour of her time to even go out for lunch. Don’t worry, I have a make-up day planned, which will occur just as soon as all her assessments have finished. I did, however, refuse to cook dinner so the rapidly expanding freezer stash was called into action.
This week we have eaten:
Spaghetti Bolognaise thanks to the trusty freezer.
Pork San Choy Bow with Rice Noodles.
Pan-Fried Pearl Perch Fillet with Parsley, Capers & Brown Butter from Jamie Oliver’s The Naked Chef. Served with Roasted Garlic Twice Baked Potatoes and Roasted Broccoli with Garlic and Anchovies.
A lot of garlic I know. Somehow I missed this when I was planning the menu. However The Princess has had quite a bad cold this week so either all that garlic will boost her immunity or ward off vampires. Both are good.
Mediterranean Kale, Cannellini and Farro Stew.
I forgot to soak the farro for this recipe, so I threw it in a bowl of water in the morning and made the soup in the afternoon. It is not necessary to soak the farro, but I find soaking helps the grain cook faster.
Slow Cooker Chicken & Lentil Curry from Slow: Mouth-Watering Recipes for the Slow Cooker and Crock Pot by Allyson Gofton, served with Brown Rice.
Freezer Cooking
I love the way The Princess finishes all the baked goods in the freezer, then let’s me know by leaving the empty bag on the bench. I should have been a detective. So this week I have been busy restocking her recess and after school snacks.
I made a batch of these Chocolate & Almond Scones, although they have been doing double duty as dessert so I don’t anticipate they will last long. The batch of Banana & Cocoa Nib Muffins should last a couple of weeks though, unless Mr Grumpy discovers them.
There was enough of the stew left over from Wednesday night for an easy weekend lunch, so this went into the freezer, along with the leftovers from the chicken curry. I’m now running out of room in the freezer so I might actually plan to eat some of my stockpile next week. Maybe.
Bon Appetit!
I am linking this post up with Menu Plan Monday on I’m An Organizing Junkie.
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